Monday, 24 February 2014


My name is Blanca and I'm 15. I'm a student of Casa Nostra School in Banyoles, Girona. The most important for me in my life is sport and cooking. I've been practising both hobbies since I was three or four years old. Some of my friends are interested in sport too, but they play different sports, than mine, paddle. The thing that I like best is going to sleepover at friends' houses or meet my best friends.  
People don't think that the world is a bad place, although we have to take care of it. We don't have to waste water, we have to be careful with the environment for the global warming, so we must recycle. The things that annoy me must stubborn people, when my brother makes me angry about his jokes and I don't like faking people. 
In this moment I'm worried about what may happen in the future, like cancer. I hope and I wish that every illness will have a cure.
I find a bit frightening that problems aren't solved. Really, I don't see myself with clarity in the future, because I don't know what I will do. But I'm sure that the job which I choose, will be something related with helping people. Also, I see myself travelling, because I love visting new places, and doing things everywhere. 

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