Saturday, 25 May 2013

UNIT 7: write a formal letter

26 of March 2013

Banyoles council
Pg. de la Indústria, 25
17820, Banyoles

Dear Sir or Madam:

I represent a group called “Love parks!”. I am writing to you because you are thinking to close the Draga’s park.

In our opinion, the motorways are in favour to the people of the cities but it is not necessary close one park because you can built a new motorway, there are more spaces to built it. If the people don’t care the natural parks in the future there will not green spaces.

If you don’t stop built the motorway in our area, we are going to organize a protest to stop it.
Please pay attention.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,

Blanca Lleal F.
Group Coordinator

Love Parks!

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