Monday 18 November 2013


THE DECADE 2000-2010
The decade 2000-2010 was a technological decade that people will remember for the inventions of different things. There were good times and hppy moments such when Mark Zuckerberg invented Facebook. There were also difficult times, for the attacks of the Twin towers on Setember 11th. 
In the world of music, there were a lot of pop artists who became famous, for exemple, Shakira, Coldplay, Alice Keys and Michael Jackson.
In cinemas, Avatar was a big hit because James Cameron directed it and the effects of the film were impressive. It was in 3D! During this decade the fashion style changed, for exemple, leggings, skinny trousers and blouse and then long hair.
By the end of the decade, the world was a different place. Iventions such as the mobile phone or net working sites changed people's lives. One of the most memorable events of
the decade 2000-2010 took place in 2005 to 2010, when the entire world was globalization and it becomes a unit world. Or when Spain won the Europe cup, on Junly 29th. 

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